100 Years of Leeds United: 1919-2019

100 Years of Leeds United: 1919-2019

B. inggris About the expression of Suggestion and Offer with the topic about Pangandaran based on the structure of the dialogue

terjemahkan :

(tentang ungkapan Saran dan Penawaran dengan topik tentang Pangandaran berdasarkan struktur dialog)


About the expression of Suggestion and Offer with the topic about Pangandaran based on the structure of the dialogue

terjemahkan :

(tentang ungkapan Saran dan Penawaran dengan topik tentang Pangandaran berdasarkan struktur dialog)


A: I’m going to Pangandaran next week.

B: You should try the famous Pangandaran satellite cake.

A: I will, thank you for the suggestion.


A: Hey, what are you doing this weekend?

B: I don't know. What do you suggest?

A: How about we go to Pangandaran?

B: That sounds like a great idea!
